星期五, 2月 25, 2005

Buzzing Bye ? Open-Xchange on Gentoo

Buzzing Bye ? Open-Xchange on Gentoo: "Still being sick and feeling incapable of any mentally strenuous exercises I decided that my limited mental capacity would be best serve doing research in the Gentoo forums on the latest HOWTOs. I eventually drifted into the one entitled HOWTO: Open-Xchange on Gentoo. I??ve been wanting to research this solution further for awhile, not neccesarily on Gentoo, and so took the opportunity to look into what was being done. Evidently some guy got it working and made a PDF howto. which he??s hosting here and he posted example configs as well. It seems this lead to a page on the Gentoo-Wiki called HOWTO Open-Xchange.
The PDF guide has OX installed from a tarball where the wiki page uses an ebuild found in Gentoo Bugs. If you want to keep an eye on the progress of this, like I do, add your email address to the CC: list of the bug. I figure that adds support so the developers see the need more accurately. Looks like it is a very active bug so I??m thoroughly looking forward to this developing.
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