星期三, 2月 23, 2005

postfix,courier imap,ssl,spamassassin,squirrelmail,sasl,maildrop virtual quota

postfix,courier imap,ssl,spamassassin,squirrelmail,sasl,maildrop virtual quota: "POSTFIX SETUP TUTORIAL v2.2.1 (02.10.2004)

This tutorial explains the installation of the following packages together with Postfix Mail Server.

Cyrus-SASL : Adds many types of authentication support
PostfixManager : Software written in PHP and PERL to manage domains and users in Postfix
by me:)
Courier-IMAP : IMAP and POP3 server software with quota support
OPENSSL : Sofware used to encrypt data transmission between nodes
Maildrop : Mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
MySQL : Database server used to keep domain and user information
Spamassassin : An e-mail filter which is used to identify spam
Amavisd-new : An interface between MTAs(e.g postfix,sendmail) and content checkers
including virus scanners
Clamav Antivirus : A GPL Anti-virus toolkit for Unix
Squirrelmail : PHP4 based webmail sofware
Proftpd : Highly configurable ftp server
BIND : Name server for Unix
Apache : High performance HTTP server
PHP : High level scripting language"



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