星期四, 3月 17, 2005

WebmasterTalk.co.uk - Skype Live Support Block - Download & Support

WebmasterTalk.co.uk - Skype Live Support Block - Download & Support: "Skype Live Support Block - Download & Support


I have developed a block for Php-Nuke that will display a 'Skype Me' button which, when clicked, will enable the user to get in touch with the site's administrator or live support agent in real-time, exactly like making a phone call but the sound quality is much better and it is completely FREE, even the calls are free!

You can download the block by clicking here
You can rate this block by clicking here

Your feedback is also appreciated on this Add-On


星期日, 3月 06, 2005

Postfix LINK








http://www.gita.jp/index.php?board=20;action=display;threadid=368 日文











【聯合新聞網 陳瑩珍(元策公關行銷、matchwell麻雀餵了諮詢網負責人)】












Postfix Integrated Solution


Postfix Integrated Solution

PLAdmin -- Postfix+ldap管理工具: "PLAdmin -- Postfix+ldap管理工具"

Postfix 在中國- faq

Postfix Integrated Solution

Huihoo.org - Internet基礎設施

Postfix RPM Packages

Pavo's Postfix Page - VDA Autoresponders

Pavo's Postfix Page



DEBIAN LINUX - Mailserver HOWTO, using Postfix, MySQL, Courier IMAP and virtual users

courier-users (read-only) Search


Postfixadmin postfix installation
Because of Postfixadmin postfix installation [ The record of Linux ]
Presently, it makes MySQL correspond in order to introduce postfixadmin into postfix which is in the midst of operating
(Postfix being uninduced, it re-compiles being, the same)
As for UID GID following to howto of PostfixAdmin, with just the 銈?
Setting of 1001 is adjusted to UID GID of postfix of all actual UNIX systems
To uninduced one
The latest edition is procured from here
# cd /usr/local/src
# wget ftp://ftp.Dnsbalance.Ring.Gr.Jp/pub/net/mail/postfix/official/postfix-2.1.5.Tar.Gz
# cd..
# tar zxvf./src/postfix-2.1.5.Tar.Gz
If this is done, or less explanation is same

First quota which corresponds to MailDir type you insert.
The patch, Postfix VDA release is done in Postfix.
Adjusting to the version of Postfix, it will procure the patch
This time up-to-date postfix-2.1.5-trash.Patch.It is gz
# cd /usr/local/src
# wget http://web.Onda.Com.Br/nadal/postfix/VDA/postfix-2.1.5-trash.Patch.Gz
# gzip -d./src/postfix-2.1.5-trash.Patch.Gz
# cd /usr/local/postfix-2.1.5
# patch -p1 <../src/postfix-2.1.5-trash.patch

Because Make before doing, you become the open mail server, SMTP-AUTH is done
Because of that, Cyrus SASL2 is inserted in order to certify to MySQL

# cd /usr/local/src
# wget ftp://ftp.Andrew.Cmu.Edu/pub/cyrus-mail/OLD-VERSIONS/sasl/cyrus-sasl-2.1.17.Tar.Gz
# cd..
# tar zxvf./src/cyrus-sasl-2.1.17.Tar.Gz
# cd cyrus-sasl-2.1.17/
# ./configure --enable-static --with-saslauthd=/var/cyrus --with-pwcheck=/var/cyrus --with-openssl=/usr --disable-otp --disable-krb4 --disable-gssapi --disable-anon --enable-login --enable-sql --with-dblib=berkeley --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
# make
# make install
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/sasl2 /usr/lib/sasl2
# mkdir /var/cyrus
# chmod 700 /var/cyrus
# chown postfix /var/cyrus
# vi /usr/local/lib/sasl2/smtpd.Conf
Pwcheck_method: Auxprop
Auxprop_plugin: Sql
Allowanonymouslogin: No
Allowplaintext: Yes
Mech_list: Plain login
Sql_engine: Mysql
Sql_user: Postfixadmin
Sql_passwd: Postfixpasswd
Sql_hostnames: Localhost
Sql_database: Postfix
Sql_select: SELECT password FROM mailbox WHERE username='%u@%r'
Sql_verbose: Yes
Description above when it cooperates with PostfixAdmin,

Courier-IMAP of the reception server is installed
# wget http://unc.Dl.Sourceforge.Net/sourceforge/courier/courier-imap-3.0.8.Tar.Bz2
# cd..
# tar jxvf./src/courier-imap-3.0.8.Tar.Bz2
# chown -Rf./courier-imap-3.0.8
It returns to user authority from here, (error evasion)
$ ./configure
$ make WITH_MYSQL=yes
$ make check
$ su
# make install
# make install-configure
# cd /usr/lib/courier-imap/etc/
# vi authdaemonrc
Authmodulelist= "authmysql"
Version= "authdaemond.Mysql "
# vi authmysqlrc
MYSQL_SERVER localhost //MySQL server name
User name at time of MYSQL_USERNAME postfix //MySQL connection
Password at time of MYSQL_PASSWORD nabisco //MySQL connection
The database name of MYSQL_DATABASE postfix //PostfixAdmin
MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD password/password type
MYSQL_UID_FIELD '1001' //postfix user identification
MYSQL_GID_FIELD '1001' //postfix group ID
MYSQL_HOME_FIELD '/usr/local/virtual'
As for MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD the setting file config. of PostfixAdminInc.Php
"#CONF [ 'encrypt' ] = 'md5crypt'; "Becoming, in case of the 銈? with" password "OK

You stop QPOPPER next
/etc/xinet.Moving d/popper to /root, xinet.Restarting d
(It just has made evacuate being, ahead moving it is good anywhere)

And POP3 IMAP is moved
# cd /usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/
# ./pop3d.Rc START
# ./imapd.Rc START

Starting is verified next
#nmap localhost
110/tcp open pop-3
143/tcp open imap

Finally the re-compiling Postfix
# cd /usr/local/postfix-2.1.5
# make -f Makefile.Init makefiles 'CCARGS=-DHAS_MYSQL -I/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/usr/local/include/sasl' 'AUXLIBS=-L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz -lm -L/usr/lib -lsasl2'
# make
Verification whether and it became MySQL correspondence,
# ./src/postconf/postconf -m
Verifying the letter "of mysql"! If it is, success!

If there is error at the time of make, being to be many a thing where most file positions are not found
Two probably will be checked properly in ls command
According to mysql installation state
When is, it seems that is!

If it succeeds
# make install
So it ends the installation of postfix

The directory compilation which is appointed to virtual_mailbox_base
# mkdir /usr/local/virtual
# chown -R postfix:Postfix /usr/local/virtual
# chmod -R 751 /usr/local/virtual

And Postfix is set with the setting file
(As for the setting of basic mydomain and the like writing, increase it is)
# vi /etc/postfix/main.Cf
Virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_alias_maps.Cf
Virtual_gid_maps = static:1001 //postfix groups ID
Virtual_mailbox_base = /usr/local/virtual
Virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_domains_maps.Cf
Virtual_mailbox_limit = 51200000/maximum capacity (QUOTA either one priority lack of confirmation) of mailbox
Virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_mailbox_maps.Cf
Virtual_minimum_uid = 1001 //postfix user identification
Virtual_transport = virtual
Virtual_uid_maps = static:1001 //postfix user identification
From # this under when QUOTA is used with PostfixAdmin,
Virtual_create_maildirsize = yes
Virtual_mailbox_extended = yes
Virtual_mailbox_limit_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_virtual_mailbox_limit_maps.Cf
Virtual_mailbox_limit_override = yes
Virtual_maildir_limit_message = Sorry, the user's maildir has overdrawn his diskspace quota and please try again later.
Virtual_overquota_bounce = yes

* Mysql_virtual_alias_maps.Cf
User = postfix
Password = postfix
Hosts = localhost
Dbname = postfix
Table = alias
Select_field = goto
Where_field = address

* Mysql_virtual_domains_maps.Cf
User = postfix
Password = postfix
Hosts = localhost
Dbname = postfix
Table = domain
Select_field = description
Where_field = domain

* Mysql_virtual_mailbox_maps.Cf
User = postfix
Password = postfix
Hosts = localhost
Dbname = postfix
Table = mailbox
Select_field = maildir
Where_field = username

* Mysql_virtual_mailbox_limit_maps.Cf
User = postfix
Password = postfix
Hosts = localhost
Dbname = postfix
Table = mailbox
Select_field = quota
Where_field = username

* Mysql_relay_domains_maps.Cf
User = postfix
Password = postfix
Hosts = localhost
Dbname = postfix
Table = domain
Select_field = domain
Where_field = domain
Additional_conditions = and backupmx = '1'
It sets, (it is not first stage being the file is made with vi)

Postfix+SASL2+Courier-IMAP+MySQL is completion at above
To tell the truth was long from here, but...

?? Postfix Admin

?? ftp.Dnsbalance.Ring.Gr.Index. of jpHtml

Track/truck back

星期四, 3月 03, 2005

Sk Image Printer?K?O???%??L??1.10 - YippeeSoft?}??n??

Sk Image Printer1.10 - YippeeSoft: "SK Image Printer是一個WIN2K/XP/2003下的免費虛擬打印機驅動程序.您可以通過本驅動將系統中能夠打印的文檔打印成一個或者多個BMP文件.

SK Image Printer是一個自由軟件,您可以任意使用或者分發,但是必須包含本文檔.


Virtual PDF Printer 1.01 - Download Virtual PDF Printer - Convert anything printable to PDF document: "
Flash Decompiler Flash Decompiler extracts all resources from Flash movie and converts SWF to FLA "

Virtual PDF Printer 1.01 - Download Virtual PDF Printer - Convert anything printable to PDF document: "Virtual Serial Ports Driver XP Two virtual serial ports linked to each other via virtual null-modem cable"


Two Pilots software 移除拍?物時, 造成眼球色澤不對的軟體

Two Pilots software: "Pet Eye Pilot?
- when you take photos of your pets, you often get a red eye effect. This effect, however, is different than with people. You can get blue, green or yellow eyes. With Pet Eye Pilot, you can easily remove this problem."

Virtual Printer

Document Printer - TIFF Print Driver, Convert documents to images, booklet printing, book printing, 2 up printing, and print preview.: "Document Printer (docPrint) Introduction
Document Printer (docPrint) is a Windows printer driver that saves ink, paper and time by controlling printed output, it supports print 2, 4, 6, 8 or 16 pages on a single sheet of paper, it also supports scale A3 paper to standard Letter or A4 paper sizes.
Document Printer (docPrint) is also a Document Converter, it converts any printable document to 20+ graphics, it may be a Microsoft Word file, Adobe PDF file, HTML file, Excel file and others, Document Printer (docPrint) supports various image formats, resolutions and compressions.
Document Printer (docPrint) is easy-to-use, just print a document to 'docPrint', you will be able to start using Document Printer software.

Northeast Data Corp. - ActiveX Controls for Windows developers.: "Windows Image Printer Driver for Windows 2000/XP
It's the Windows 2000/XP version of our 95/98/ME printer driver that redirects print jobs to a TIFF file and then displays the printed pages right on your screen! 24 bit True-color or black and white print, 600, 300, 200, 100 DPI resolutions, and a large range of paper sizes!
A great solution for automating corporate tracking and archiving of business documents. Also, a fantastic development utility for building and testing the print logic in your applications. It's printing without a real printer! This is a print capture device driver that appears to all Windows applications as a normal printer. Applications send print jobs to this device without knowing that the printout will go to your file instead of a real printer. You can specify the name and location of the file that the driver creates. The file that is created is a standard multi-page TIFF file in either monochrome or 24-bit color format. Monochrome files are CCITT G4 compressed images. Color images are 24-bit RGB."

Universal Document Converter - Official Home Page: "Universal Document Converter
is virtual printer software that saves any document you print as an image file. It lets you to convert your Adobe PDF files, Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations or Autodesk AutoCAD drawings into TIFF, JPEG or PNG as easy as sending them to your printer!"

Tracker Software Products Ltd - Homepage - Products for End-Users - TIFF-XChange: "TIFF-XChange acts as a virtual printer - meaning that when output from any Windows software (ie: MS Word, Excel, AutoCad etc) is printed to TIFF-XChange it captures the document and converts it to a TIFF file."


Sk Image Printer1.10 - YippeeSoft: SK Image Printer是一個WIN2K/XP/2003下的免費虛擬打印機驅動程序.您可以通過本驅動將系統中能夠打印的文檔打印成一個或者多個BMP文件.

SK Image Printer是一個自由軟件,您可以任意使用或者分發,但是必須包含本文檔.